A Branded Digital Booking Platform for your Customers

Enable your customers to request, communicate, pay, and book in a single application. Seamlessly manage clients with a digital interface designed specifically for your business needs.

OpenTug Digital Booking Platform
for sales

Win More Business

OpenTug’s branded customer portals allow you to market services and accept bookings online, so your sales team can spend more time selling and less time juggling customers.
  • Custom-Branded Booking Portal
  • CRM and Opportunity Management
  • Automated Quote Generation
  • Integrated Messaging, Email Management and Communication Tools
Platform screenshot
Position Reporting Desktop
for logistics

Plan for Success

OpenTug brings together real-time river, distance, AIS, lock, bridge and weather data to ensure voyages are planned on time and under budget.
  • Sailing Cost Estimation
  • Voyage Planning
  • Position & Traffic Reporting
  • ETA & Route Calculation
for operations

Optimize Every Move

With every step of the customer journey centralized, BusOps teams can streamline the customer lifecycle from contracting to payments.
  • Integrated Contracting with DocuSign
  • ACH & Credit Card Processing
  • Custom Data Reporting
Platform dashboard screenshot

OpenTug Booking

Our booking tool enables operations teams to automate the booking process with custom-branded tools to delight customers and improve workflow processes.

BargeOS is a comprehensive solution for quoting, booking, billing, and tracking coastal and inland tug and barge movements. 

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For Terminals

Terminals and storage facilities leverage TerminalOS for booking to streamline customer communications and save time.

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For Ports

Ports across America use OpenTug's PortOS tool to provide a booking platform for terminal, storage facilities, and tenants managed within the port. This provides more business and streamlined operations.

CTA Illustration

Ready to get started? Contact us today